See-and-Type is a series of virtual keyboard models that assist people to enter text with the mouse, without typing on a conventional keyboard. See-and-Type uses a special color scheme for easy viewing of the text key.
See-and-Type Standard is the model of choice for people with low vision acuity. Vowels are always displayed in the left corner of the screen and in a green background, while consonants are displayed in yellow and orange background colors.
See-and-Type Compact is the model that occupies less screen space.
See-and-Type UltraCompact is the model of choice for people with physical impairments and that cannot type using a regular keyboard. See-and-Type is very appropriate in such cases, especially due to the very short distance between its keys on the keyboard interface.
All models of See-and-Type have control of font size for better viewing and comfortable typing.
When copying text, this will be exported without formatting and can be pasted into text editors, browsers, forums, emails etc.
There are 4 color schemes for text/background displays.
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